Second World War Literacy Resources

This is great opportunity to encourage reading and build on the national interest in the Second World War with the 80th anniversary of D-Day in 2024.

“D-Day Dog is an amazing exploration of war, both past and present, which answers difficult questions about why soldiers choose to fight and die. Stories from World War 2, the Falklands and the current conflict in Syria are woven together in this sensitive little book. ” Aidan Severs, That Boy Can Teach

Reading  my Second World stories D-Day Dog, Spitfire, After the WarArctic Star , Resist and Angel of Grasmere using these FREE resources can help develop children’s understanding and encourage reading for pleasure.

“Tom is the RAF Museum’s Writer in Residence. His close relationship with the museums and his obsessive eye for detail mean that I was not at all surprised that his Wings books are both highly authentic and hugely exciting. These are Biggles books for the 21st century.” RAF Museum 

Free First chapters

Read chapter 1 of Resist here
Read Chapter 1 of D-Day Dog here
Read Chapter 1 of Spitfire here
Read Chapter 1 of Arctic Star here
Read Chapter 1 of After the War here 


“The best children’s fiction book I’ve yet read about the Holocaust. After The War manages to be vividly engaging both as history education and as a human story – eye-opening, exciting, hugely touching. Beautifully structured and written it may be aimed at 9-14 year-olds, but no-one should miss it” CEO Anne Frank Trust UK



Remembrance Day 2024

More information to come here

1 Posters – click on the images below:



  Wings take to the skies  Spitfire   

2 Angel of Grasmere Resources

Cover Prediction Worksheet There are no wrong answers so let your imagination go wild. Download here

Playscript download here




Settings Map Worksheet

Identify and colour in the key aspects of physical and human geography of Grasmere village and its Lakeland surroundings where Tarn and her friends live. Download here


A Little Lakeland Nature 

Read along, spot me and colour in…

From Herdwick sheep to stiles

Download and print on to 2 sheets, cut and fold and stick to make a minibooklet here

Paper Angels to cut out and decorate with more ideas:

  • Think of an act of kindness each angel could do to make the world a better place. Write it on the back
  • Make a display of them against a backdrop of the Lake District’s mountains and lakes or make a display of them where you think your angels are most needed to help the world today

Download here 

Herdwick Sheep Craft Activity

Download full instructions here



WW2 Cumbria Quiz download here



More here

3 Resist Resources

Chapter 1 here

Cover prediction worksheet here



Resist Playscript here




Settings Map worksheet here





Resist Colouring here



Resist Oranjekrant newsletter (the sort of letter young Edda delivered) includes an original recipe for Nettle Soup from the “Hunger Winter” of 1944-45 here





4 D-Day Dog Resources :

D-Day Dog cover prediction worksheets 

Download here 


D-Day Dog Blackout Poem Challenge

Introduction and how to guide to create your own Blackout Poems, including suggested texts, examples and a certificate.

Download here


10 Questions about War for class discussions

Download here





What view do you think Jack and his new puppy are looking at?

Can you draw the plane Emile and his dog Glenn are parachuting out or where they might be landing?

Download here 

“Tom Palmer is a true reading hero and has been responsible for motivating many thousands of young people to get into books” Booktrust

Find out more about D-Day Dog here

5 Spitfire

5.1 Videos  – Watch my video introducing Spitfire

spitfire illustrated5.2 Spitfire Blogs

Read my blogs about writing and researching Spitfire

for the RAF Museum, Cosford here.


Find out more about Spitfire here

6 Arctic Star Resources

Christmas Blackout Poem Challenge here

Includes a how to guide, suggested extracts featuring the King’s speech on Christmas Day,  examples and a signed certificate.



Cover prediction worksheets here



Colouring here .  Use your imagination to draw and colour the planes in the sky and submarines in the sea below during the Battle of the North Cape or what young naval recruits can see on their lookout.


Book Trailer here


Blackout Poem Challenge here.
with an optional  signed certificate if used to mark Armed Forces Day Saturday 26 June 2021.


Y5/Y6 lesson with a focus on inference from @MrB_Y3 here

7 After the War Resources :

READ Chapter 1 here



A book cover prediction sheet. Look at the cover of After the War and answer questions about what you think the story might be about here.


Paper dolls. Work as a family to decorate paper dolls of the children. Then put it up as bunting to  mark the 75th anniversary of their liberation here


Comprehension. Read the section of the book where the children talk about their very different experiences of VE Day, then answer some questions here.



Black Out poetry. Create your own black out poetry using a VE Day scene from After the War here.



Extra resources produced and kindly shared by Mrs Forrest, Framwellgate School, Durham: 


Student Glossary

Download here



Student workbook 

Download here



Book trailer here

7.1 Films of the settings about research and writing After the War



7.2 Holocaust Memorial Day

I have worked with multiple partners, producing a range of resources for schools to mark Holocaust Memorial Day for several years, including some incredible recordings with Holocaust survivors which are still available to watch.

For Holocaust Memorial Day 2021 resources please click here.

For Holocaust Memorial Day 2022 resources please click here.

For Holocaust Memorial Day 2023 plans please sign up on the contact form here.


Check out our gallery of school responses to After the War here.

Find out more about After the War here

Buy Books

Signed and dedicated copies are available personalised to order from my local independent children’s bookshop “The Thoughtful Spot”  here.

Schools bumper book pack and class set offers here.

Visit my Amazon bookshop  or support your local bookshop HIVE

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Australia: Boomerang   

Canada: Amazon Canada
New Zealand: Wheelers       

USA :  Indigo books

Email me here for more information or use my contact form here to ask me a question.

Thank you.

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