I regularly provide literacy training and keynote speaches for schools and libraries both across the UK and internationally through organisations like the British Council.
“I recently saw you at the Reading for Pleasure Conference run by the Guardian/British library where I picked up your information pack. Your slot was the most interesting and relevant one for me on the day and I am looking forward to adopting some of your ideas!” Librarian, Acton High School
I can offer training days exploring creative approaches to get kids reading and writing including :
- Suggestions for developing creative activities, games, book groups and events to enthuse reading and writing through sport.
- Devising a whole school cross-curricular project to help children experience different contexts for writing.
- Advice on setting up a Football Writers’ group as a tool to tackle underachievement in the hardcore de-motivated and most vulnerable learners.
I can also offer afterschool virtual sessions with Headteacher Simon Robinson on Engaging Boys with Reading – understanding and strategies to reach reluctant readers.
Tips shared include:
- The importance of male role models
- Author visits- involving parents and building after the visit to have book club type events
- Reading action plans
- Having an up to date school reading expert
Feedback from Wensum Trust English Hub, 2021
“Thank you to both Tom and Simon for such a wonderful training session. The whole process was smooth to organise, with great communication by all involved. They were both flexible and very accommodating.”
“The training session was inspirational. Hearing about both men’s backgrounds and struggles made them both so relatable. Having a Head Teacher who is aware of current educational struggles made their suggestions more relatable. Tom’s route to becoming an author will inspire any child.”
“An amazing session packed with advice on how to improve reading for pleasure in schools.”
For more information please use this form to contact Tom
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Email me here for more information or use my contact form here to ask me a question.
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