A funny and heartwarming story about a girl and her pet cat, who becomes a World Cup celebrity!
There’s a football challenge at Yusra’s school and everyone wants to win. Which class can find the best way to predict England’s World Cup results? Yusra has an idea – her pet cat Gus could help! As Gus keeps guessing the scores right, the word spreads and soon everyone wants a piece of the famous football cat. But is the life of a celebrity as purrfect as it seems?
- Illu
strated by: Alex Paterson
- Published by : Egmont
- Age Range: From 5 years
- Book Band: Lime
Signed and dedicated copies of all my books are available personalised to order from my local independent children’s bookshop “The Thoughtful Spot”here.
“Remember Paul the game-predicting octopus? This is a take on that story for emerging readers, following a young refugee and her mysterious cat who seems to always know the score. It’s a terrific little story which shows – rather than tells – this girl and her dad fitting into their community through a love of football. Great stuff.” Books for keeps
Colouring sheet here
Writing Gus the Famous Football Cat
Find out why I chose to give the main character Yusra, a Syrian backstory here.
Here is Gus – the Famous Football Cat …
And here is my cat Gus who helped me to write the story …
Egmont’s Reading Ladder
This series helps children to enjoy learning to read. It features well-loved authors, classic characters and favourite topics, so that children will find something to excite and engage them in every title they pick up. It’s the first step towards a lasting love of reading.
Level 3 Reading Ladder titles are perfect for fluent readers who are beginning to read exciting, challenging stories independently.
- Varied sentences
- Detailed illustrations to enjoy
- Chapters
- Interesting characters and themes
- A rich range of vocabulary
- More complex storylines to stretch confident readers
All Reading Ladder titles are developed with a leading literacy consultant, making them perfect for use in schools and for parents keen to support their children’s reading.
For more information about the series and advice on supporting children’s reading, see Egmont’s Reading Ladder page here.
Buy the book
Signed and dedicated copies of all my books are available personalised to order from my local independent children’s bookshop “The Thoughtful Spot” here.