For Holocaust Memorial Day 2022 please click here.
For Holocaust Memorial Day 2023 plans please sign up on the contact form here.
Holocaust Memorial Day 2021 Resources :
I hope my book “After the War – from Auschwitz to Ambleside” and these virtual and streamable resources will help schools, libraries and families mark Holocaust Memorial Day – Wednesday, 27 January 2021. (The Win a class set competition has ended, see below). I am extremely grateful for the support of the National Literacy Trust, UCL Centre for Holocaust Education, Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, Lake District Holocaust Project and other partners to bring these to you.
The FREE resources include :
” The Question” a five-part story to read in school with the National Literacy Trust (available in written format here for you to read aloud / stream / share or as a series of 5 films of Tom reading the story for you to use however suits your school here ).
- a pre-recorded 20 minute assembly for Y5 to Y8, talking about why we mark Holocaust Memorial Day with the National Literacy Trust (available now here).
a series of films about developing writing and worksheets to support and inspire pupils to write their own responses with the National Literacy Trust (available now here).
Friday, 29 January 10.30 am
Facebook live Q&A event with me, hosted by the National Literacy Trust and a chance to hear from a Holocaust survivor who will be joining us. (Register now here.)
a resource pack created around “After the War” by UCL Centre for Holocaust Education. Containing lesson plans and materials for KS3 History, RS, Cit and Eng (available now here ).
a CPD session hosted by UCL and myself relating to “After the War” (booking open now here).
- an interview with the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust about listening to survivor testimonies (available now here and here)
Blackout Poetry Challenge includes how to guide, examples, text and certificate, here.
- After the War posters and bookmarks posted to your school or library (please click here to email us your contact details).
- More downloadable resources including films of my research, book trailer, glossary and a student workbook are available here
“The Question” is a five-part read aloud story will be set in the present day about the visit of a Holocaust survivor to a UK school and how the children prepare and reflect on the experience. The survivor will be Yossi, one of the main characters from “After the War”, 75 years on from his liberation, age 91. The story will be from the point of view of the pupils and will be aimed at Y5 to Y8. It is not essential to have read “After the War” beforehand (but you can read Chapter 1 of the book for free here . There is more about it here:
There are many ways to mark Holocaust Memorial Day 2021 using HMD Together, a set of resources designed to enable people to mark the day in meaningful ways with other people – even if you can’t gather together in person.
On Holocaust Memorial Day, join the nation in Lighting the Darkness. Light a candle and put it in your window at 8pm on 27 January to:
- remember those who were murdered for who they were
- stand against hatred and prejudice today
Please don’t forget to join in on the national Holocaust Memorial Day map by simply adding your assemblies, readalouds, lessons and activities here:
And here are some very quick extracts to share from an interview I did with the Holocaust Memorial Day Trust, introducing my book After the War and about the importance of survivor testimonies.
Thank you for your interest and support. If you’d like to know what we’re planning for Holocaust Memorial Day 2023 please sign up here:
“After the War” is suitable as a class read for children in Y6 and above, although many children in Y5 will be able to deal with its tough subject matter. More here.
Get the Book : available from your local or school library, your local bookshop, Waterstones, Amazon or support indie bookshops through here.
Holocaust Memorial Day is the international day on 27 January to remember the six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust, alongside the millions of other people killed under Nazi Persecution and in genocides that followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur. More here.
Be the light in the darkness Holocaust Memorial Day 2021
‘We will continue to do our bit for as long as we can, secure in the knowledge that others will continue to light a candle long after us.’
Gena Turgel, survivor of the Holocaust (1923-2018)
Thank you