Autumn Highlights 2023

What’s on offer this term, Autumn 2023

  • NEW Rocky Race series
  • NEW Football Ultimate Heroes
  • Rugby Union World Cup
  • October starts Christmas Book Giving
  • November Remembrance Day 2023
  • December Christmas History Special Virtual: WWII Arctic Star 80th Anniversary
  • Christmas Arctic Star resources
  • January 2024 Holocaust Memorial Day
  • Spring Term Author visits
  • May 2024 New historical fiction preview

NEW Rocky Race series

Rocky Race, the sister of Roy of the Rovers – has a new spin off series kicking off on 28 September.

In Rocky Takes L.A. we join the combative British fourteen-year-old as she signs up for a summer soccer school in California.

Rebellion Publishing. 28 September 2023.

  • More about Rocky here
  • Read Chapter 1 here


NEW Football’s Greatest Moments.

This year I am branching out into non-fiction with my first Ultimate Football Heroes book, Football’s Greatest Moments.

Will you and your pupils agree or disagree with what I think are the 100 most important moments in the history of the game?

Dino Books. 12 October 2023

  • More about Football’s Greatest Moments here
  • Read Chapter 1 here

8 Sept-28 Oct 2023 Rugby Union World Cup

With the men’s Rugby Union World Cup being hosted by France in September and October, look out for my rugby-related competitions and resources linking rugby and reading.

·         More about my Rugby Academy children’s series here



November 2023 Remembrance Day Video Assembly

I am offering a Remembrance Day 2023 video assembly based around my children’s historical fiction.

I have written books for children set in both World Wars and about children of today’s serving members of the Armed Forces :

First World War Over the LineFlyboy and Armistice Runner

Second World War Resist, Spitfire, D-Day Dog, Arctic Star and After the War

21st century Armed Forces Typhoon, D-Day Dog


I have written books about various sections of the Armed Forces:

Royal Navy Arctic Star

Army Over the LineArmistice Runner and The Last Try

RAF Flyboy, Spitfire, Typhoon and Rugby Academy 

the Reserves and Paratroopers D-Day Dog


Starting 30 Oct 2023 Christmas Book Gifting

For the past ten years I have asked teachers, TAs and librarians if they would be kind enough to nominate a child they think would benefit from the gift of a book for Christmas.

My family and I would like to do the same for Christmas 2023.

  • Nominations open Monday 30 October
  • Please Nominate by Sunday 26 November 2023
  • More here


Friday 1 Dec 2023
Christmas History Special: WWII Arctic Star 80th Anniversary

Join me in a virtual event to commemorate & discover the 80th Anniversary of the WWII naval Battle of North Cape this December with Mr Dilly.

Launched 11am-Midday Friday 1 December and then available throughout December 2023.

·         More about Arctic Star here

·         Book now FREE.

Christmas 2023 Arctic Star Resources

Christmas Day on the Arctic Ocean is the subject of chapter 19 of Arctic Star.

Watch me reading it aboard HMS Belfast

Read the chapter online

Take part in my Christmas Blackout Poetry Challenge.


 Author Visits

I am available for in-person and virtual author visits with a focus on creative writing, sports, reading and writing about history.

·         More about my author visits here

Holocaust Memorial Day Saturday 27 Jan 2024

Free Holocaust Memorial Day resources suitable for every school to use in the run up to Holocaust Memorial Day produced with the National Literacy Trust.

We will be offering a range of free resources for Key Stage 2 & 3 to mark Holocaust Memorial Day including a virtual assembly with a Holocaust Survivor.


May 2024

I will have a new children’s historical fiction out.


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Buy Books

Signed and dedicated copies of all my books are available personalised to order from my local independent children’s bookshop “The Thoughtful Spot” here. 

With an extra special Christmas or birthday card from me on request!


Overseas : FREE Delivery worldwide from The Book Depository.
Australia: Boomerang

Canada: Amazon Canada
New Zealand: Wheelers

USA :  Indigo books

Visit myAmazon bookshop or support your local bookshopHIVE


Schools bumper 35 book pack offer here

35 books
£190 saving £60 – over 20% discount

Please email


Schools class set offer here.

15 copies 20%+ discount
30 copies 25%+ discount
100 copies 30% + discount


Please email for a quote



Email me here for more information or use my contact form here to ask me a question.

Thank you.



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